Kristen Gulbran

Chairman's Council Agent Kris Gulbran

Chairman's Council Agent Kris Gulbran


Trained in the field of social work, Chairman’s Council* Agent Kris Gulbran CLU, ChFC(CA Insurance License #0D08638) says that making the move to Financial Services was “The Right Fit the First Time”. With familial ties to a local training manager at what is now the Tacoma General Office, Kris found an industry where she could maximize her desire to help individuals without the emotional and physical drain that comes with the social services industry. Officially signing contracts in 1988, Kris’s story is one of self-discovery, hard work, passion and never compromising the integrity of her professional choices.

“The ‘AH-HA’ moment came fairly early on when I recalled listening to my maternal grandfather talk about 'his next big deal‘ where he was going to strike it rich. My grandpa inherited a sizable chunk of funds in the mid-1950s and proceeded to ‘blow it’ over his lifetime. In addition, he spent all of his retirement savings and the retirement savings of my grandmother who was a college professor. He passed away in 2001, penniless and in a Medicaid facility. The idea of ‘pay yourself first’ was ingrained into me early on by my mother and my aunt and uncles who witnessed grandpa’s financial ‘carnage’. Helping people become financially successful is a way of making sure they don’t end up like my grandpa or the ‘victim’ like my grandma who lived with a lot of financial uncertainty.”

Embarking on the decision to join New York Life, Kris has enjoyed the successes and rewards that have come with building her own business. “Becoming a Financial Services professional and then an Advisor with Eagle Strategies has evolved into an incredible experience for our family… we became increasingly aware of the financial opportunities and the choices that became available to us over the years. At this time, the career has allowed us to travel extensively, save money for retirement, and most importantly, be generous with family and charities we care about.”

Looking forward, Kris sees not just her own future but keeps the preservation of her clients in mind. “The most rewarding aspect of my career has been receiving cards and letters from clients appreciating our services. Our practice is very service intensive and requires us to stay current and on our toes. We don’t feel like we can “dabble” or ease into semi-retirement and provide the kind of planning our clients expect and deserve. I definitely see retiring completely and handing the practice to a new advisor so that our clients will be well served.”

Kris Gulbran may be contacted directly at 425-462-4893 or toll-free at 866-462-4884.

*Council is an annual company recognition program based on agent production from July 1 - June 30.